Hi Developers !

It’s a bit late to announce…or not 😉

Pandora FMS has been accepted in the Google Summer of Code. If you don’t know what is GSoC, you’re a final year student, you would like to develop real-world OpenSource, you need to read more!


As some of you have read here, we started as a mentoring organization on Google Summer of Code 2012.

That means we are accepting students to work in some of most Pandora FMS’s excitement future: the android agent and the android application for interact with the system (currently android agent “pandroid”, and android event viewer).

We have several “open” positions to help us with the projet. Pandora FMS is an OpenSource monitoring solution, started eight years ago. We start development of Pandora FMS Android apps two years ago, and both “sub-projects” are waiting to developers to expand it’s current features and made it more robust and powerful. This is a great oportunity to work with an international team of developers in a commercial OpenSource project. I mean commercial because Pandora FMS is used for thousand companies in the world, and in the future, I hope a lot of people can use Pandora Android apps for it’s “day to day” monitoring needs.

I think GSoC is a GREAT idea and we all can take benefit of it, students, working on a real OpenSource project, and the project itself, by expanding current features and maturity. Currently are working on Pandora FMS about 10 people in Spain and about 3 in Japan in a “regular” basis, but we have contributions (bugs, patches, ideas) from everywhere.

Our main “GSOC ideas” page is at:


